Mac 5672 unofficial: make_distrib fails (no dSYM)

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Mac 5672 unofficial: make_distrib fails (no dSYM)

Postby logicp » Thu Sep 28, 2023 9:14 am

Hello again!

Build steps:
Code: Select all
export PATH=/Users/embucksh/code/depot_tools:$PATH
export GN_DEFINES='proprietary_codecs=true ffmpeg_branding="Chrome" is_official_build=false'
export GN_ARGUMENTS='--ide=vs2019 --sln=cef --filters=//cef/*'

python3 --download-dir=/Users/embucksh/code/chromium_git --branch=5672 --client-distrib --force-config --x64-build

Result: make_distrib fails due to missing `Chromium Embedded Framework.dSYM`

Code: Select all
Failed to copy directory from /Users/embucksh/code/chromium_git/chromium/src/out/Debug_GN_x64/Chromium Embedded Framework.dSYM to /Users/embucksh/code/chromium_git/chromium/src/cef/binary_distrib/cef_binary_113.0.0-distant18-depot-tools.2778+g716ad60+chromium-113.0.5672.129_macosx64_debug_symbols/Chromium Embedded Framework.dSYM: No such file or directoryTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/embucksh/code/chromium_git/chromium/src/cef/tools/", line 1098

Pardon for all the issues, but I've been doing a lot of building!
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Re: Mac 5672 unofficial: make_distrib fails (no dSYM)

Postby magreenblatt » Thu Sep 28, 2023 9:22 am

Why are you using "is_official_build=false"?
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Re: Mac 5672 unofficial: make_distrib fails (no dSYM)

Postby logicp » Thu Sep 28, 2023 9:56 am

magreenblatt wrote:Why are you using "is_official_build=false"?

We were keeping unofficial builds alongside our official builds to assist with possible debugging scenarios (should they arise). In a case which prompted this, I was finding that I was only able to load debug symbols post-crash using the `ips` crash file. I was unsuccessful in doing a live debug using the instruction provided here: ... 667#p36964

Based on instructions here ... -supported and the statement "This will disable debugging code" I had hoped that I might have better success with an unofficial build.

Is there another resource that might help me with live debugging on Mac (or that might otherwise improve my understanding of debugging CEF and/or Chromium?)
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Re: Mac 5672 unofficial: make_distrib fails (no dSYM)

Postby magreenblatt » Thu Sep 28, 2023 12:24 pm

The current technique for debugging official builds with symbols on MacOS is demonstrated here (e.g. use lldb with add-dsym): The official "Debug" builds are just Release builds with additional CHECKs enabled, so local variables and call stacks may not be completely accurate due to optimization.

Non-official Debug builds will include symbols in the binaries by default (no dSYM file created). You can force dSYM creation by setting enable_dsyms=true in GN_DEFINES. You may also need to set symbol_level depending on the amount of debug detail that you're seeking.
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Re: Mac 5672 unofficial: make_distrib fails (no dSYM)

Postby logicp » Tue Oct 03, 2023 8:48 am

magreenblatt wrote:The current technique for debugging official builds with symbols on MacOS is demonstrated here (e.g. use lldb with add-dsym): The official "Debug" builds are just Release builds with additional CHECKs enabled, so local variables and call stacks may not be completely accurate due to optimization.

Non-official Debug builds will include symbols in the binaries by default (no dSYM file created). You can force dSYM creation by setting enable_dsyms=true in GN_DEFINES. You may also need to set symbol_level depending on the amount of debug detail that you're seeking.

Thank you for that info!

I re-ran it a few times with `enable_dsyms=true` and a more detailed symbol level, but I keep running into this strange issue. Any idea what it might be?

Code: Select all
________ running 'python src/build/ --mode nacl_core_sdk sync --extract' in '/Users/embucksh/code/chromium_git/chromium'
INFO: --Syncing nacl_arm_glibc to revision 053185d68ed3b96640f15c4ae457b1ff373c6cac--
INFO: Downloading package archive: binutils_arm_x86_64_apple_darwin.tgz (1/6)
package_version: Could not download URL ( <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:727)>
Error: Command 'python src/build/ --mode nacl_core_sdk sync --extract' returned non-zero exit status 1 in /Users/embucksh/code/chromium_git/chromium
INFO: --Syncing nacl_arm_glibc to revision 053185d68ed3b96640f15c4ae457b1ff373c6cac--
INFO: Downloading package archive: binutils_arm_x86_64_apple_darwin.tgz (1/6)
package_version: Could not download URL ( <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:727)>

I should mention that, in between, I'm nuking the `chromium_git` directory
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Re: Mac 5672 unofficial: make_distrib fails (no dSYM)

Postby magreenblatt » Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:05 am


This could be a few different things. See ... ritifcates
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