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get access to offscreen byte array

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:07 am
by guich

I want to make jcef a web browser for libGDX on desktop. I was able to achieve this putting the browser on a JFrame on top of the libGDX application, however the felling is bad because when you focus the browser window it unfocus the application window. For a better result, i need access to the offscreen byte array passed on CefRenderer.onPaint.

I tried to extend CefRenderer, but it is package private. Then i tried to extend CefBrowser, but it is package private too. :-(

Is the only solution copy these two classes? This will make merge of enhancements quite dificult.



Re: get access to offscreen byte array

PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 2:42 pm
by guich
I ended up forking the project and making the classes public.