I just installed CFE4 90.6.7, I informed the bin paths all correct. But when trying to run the example "Delphi_VCL\SimpleBrowser2" it returns the error saying that the dll should be 90.6.6 and not 90.6.7
Message :
Unsupported CEF version
Use only the CFE binaries specified in the CEF4Delphi
Readme.md file at https://github.com/salvadordf/CEF4Delphi
Expected libcef.dll version :
Found libcefdll version
but version has been downloaded and installed
It's even the first time I've installed it, I downloaded the latest version, precisely the one available on the website. Does anyone have this dll or could they tell me how to fix it?
Or would have the link to download the full project in this version