Korean input Crash issue

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Korean input Crash issue

Postby choisunna » Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:09 am


I'm inquiring about a Chromium crash issue.

First of all, the existing chromium version used by the company's project is currently using the 3.3497.1841.g7f37a0a (10/20/2018) version

VisualStudio is using the 2013 version (v120).

However, since it is an old project, we cannot upgrade the toolkit version of the main project, so we want to create and use chromium operation logic in a separate DLL project.

The DLL project environment was prepared with VisualStudio 2019 version (v142), and the chromium version was 110.0.25+g75b1c96 (02/09/2023) version.

The resources required for these builds were configured through the Standard Distribution file at https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/index.html#windows64 .

Since then, the chromium DLL project packed separately into the main project has been successfully linked and operated, but a crash occurred when entering Korean on the web page, so we are checking it.

The https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/index.html#windows64 webpage provides debug Symbols, a libcef that causes crashes through Release Symbols.I connected libcef.dll.pdb for dll debugging

The symbol connection continued to fail with the message that no matching symbol file could be found in the folder you refer to.

In the same logic, Korean input works normally when DLL connecting via version 3.3497.1841.g7f37a0a, but in version 110.0.25+g75b1c96, Korean input crashes.

1. Is there another way and path to connect (libcef.dll.pdb) for debugging?
2. Is there a way to resolve the Korean input crash when using the 110.0.25+g75b1c96 chromium version?

Thank you.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////( libcef.dll!00007ff99ee9f16f() )

00007FF99EE9F11A call 00007FF9A2CE88C0
00007FF99EE9F11F mov qword ptr [rsp+38h],rdi
00007FF99EE9F124 mov dword ptr [rsp+30h],eax
00007FF99EE9F128 xorps xmm0,xmm0
00007FF99EE9F12B movups xmmword ptr [rsp+20h],xmm0
00007FF99EE9F130 mov dword ptr [rsp+48h],0
00007FF99EE9F138 mov qword ptr [rsp+40h],0
00007FF99EE9F141 lea rsi,[7FF9A9F0ACD0h]
00007FF99EE9F148 lea r12,[7FF9A8D16A40h]
00007FF99EE9F14F mov cl,58h
00007FF99EE9F151 mov rdx,rsi
00007FF99EE9F154 mov r8,r12
00007FF99EE9F157 xor r9d,r9d
00007FF99EE9F15A call 00007FF9A2CED650
00007FF99EE9F15F mov r8,rax
00007FF99EE9F162 jmp 00007FF99EE9EDC7
00007FF99EE9F167 int 3
00007FF99EE9F168 xor ecx,ecx
00007FF99EE9F16A jmp 00007FF99EE9EF7D
00007FF99EE9F16F int 3
00007FF99EE9F170 xor eax,eax
00007FF99EE9F172 jmp 00007FF99EE9EF95
00007FF99EE9F177 int 3
00007FF99EE9F178 int 3
00007FF99EE9F179 int 3
00007FF99EE9F17A int 3
00007FF99EE9F17B int 3
00007FF99EE9F17C int 3
00007FF99EE9F17D int 3
00007FF99EE9F17E int 3
00007FF99EE9F17F int 3



Chromium 크래시 이슈가 발생하여 문의드립니다.

먼저 현재 회사 프로젝트에서 기존 사용하는 크로미움 버전은 3.3497.1841.g7f37a0a (10/20/2018) 버전을 사용중이며

VisualStudio는 2013 버전(v120) 을 사용중입니다.

다만 오래된 프로젝트인만큼 메인 프로젝트의 툴킷버전을 업그레이드 하지 못해 크로미움 동작 로직을 별도 DLL 프로젝트에서 제작하여 사용하려합니다.

DLL 프로젝트 환경은 VisualStudio 2019 버전(v142) 으로 준비후 크로미움 버전은 110.0.25+g75b1c96 (02/09/2023) 버전을 준비했습니다.

이러한 빌드에 필요한 리소스는 https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/index.html#windows64 에서 Standard Distribution 파일을 통해 구성했습니다.

이후 메인 프로젝트에 별도 패킹한 크로미움 DLL 프로젝트를 연동 후 동작하는데는 성공했지만 웹페이지에서 한글 입력시 크래시가 발생하여 확인중입니다.

https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/index.html#windows64 웹페이지에서 제공하는 Debug Symbols, Release Symbols 을 통하여 크래시가 발생하는 libcef.dll 디버깅을 위해 libcef.dll.pdb를 연결했지만

참조하는 폴더에서 일치하는 기호 파일을 찾을수 없다는 메시지와 함깨 심볼 연결이 계속 실패했습니다.

동일한 로직에서 3.3497.1841.g7f37a0a 버전을 통해 DLL 연결시 Korean 입력이 정상 동작하지만 110.0.25+g75b1c96버전에서는 Korean 입력시 크래시가 발생합니다.

1. (libcef.dll) 디버깅을 위해 (libcef.dll.pdb) 연결하는 다른 방법 및 경로가 있을까요?
2. 110.0.25+g75b1c96 크로미움 버전 사용시 한글 입력 크래시 해결 방법이 있을까요?

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Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:53 pm

Re: Korean input Crash issue

Postby magreenblatt » Tue Oct 31, 2023 10:20 am

The symbol connection continued to fail with the message that no matching symbol file could be found in the folder you refer to.

Did you download symbols for the correct version, architecture and build configuration?
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Re: Korean input Crash issue

Postby choisunna » Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:35 pm

magreenblatt wrote:
The symbol connection continued to fail with the message that no matching symbol file could be found in the folder you refer to.

Did you download symbols for the correct version, architecture and build configuration?


Thank you for answering the question.

As you said, we used Release Symbols according to the version you used.

Attempted symbol connection for 2 versions 111.2.1 and 110.0.25 was unsuccessful.

However, we found a way to solve the problem for question 2 above.

We checked normal operation for Korean input during work through version 115.3.11.

The possible cause is that the problem occurs in two versions, 111.2.1 and 110.0.25.

Thank you.



질문에 답변을 주셔서 감사합니다.

말씀주신대로, 사용한 버전에 따른 Release symbols을 사용했습니다.

111.2.1, 110.0.25 2가지 버전에 대하여 symbols 연결시도했지만 성공하지 못했습니다.

다만 위 2번 질문에 대하여 문제 해결 방법을 찾았습니다.

115.3.11 버전을 통해 작업시 korean입력에 대하여 정상 동작을 확인했습니다.

생각되는 원인은 111.2.1, 110.0.25 2가지 버전에 가까운 버전들에서 해당 문제가 발생하는것으로 생각됩니다.

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:53 pm

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