Intercept Form Resubmission

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Intercept Form Resubmission

Postby cretz » Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:35 am

In Chrome, when I attempt to reload a page that was the result of a form submission, I am presented a dialog asking me if I want to resubmit. I want to replicate this in CEF. Based on one other post I would use OnBeforeNavigate (after all, there is NavigationType of NAVIGATION_FORM_RESUBMITTED), but it is never called on Reload for POST (yet it is for GET); I don't think the reload is even happening. Same problem with OnBeforeLoad, it is never called (again, because the page is probably never even reloading).

Is there anything obvious I am missing? Suggested callbacks/handlers/settings to apply to handle POST reloads? I suppose worst case scenario I could intercept reload and fetch the current nav entry and if it is a form submission, I could prompt the user and if he accepts I could take post data and re-perform the post. Is this the current recommended approach?
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